The conversion of former agricultural buildings has often provided developers and owners with challenging but very rewarding projects whilst the end results can be quite magnificent, providing unique and historic rural living. In recent years we have received a growing demand for our services in waterproofing barn conversions and have had the privilege of working on some fantastic projects.
A large number of our projects have involved taking the shell of a former agricultural building (often in a derelict condition) and providing specialist, bespoke solutions and building services to help with the sympathetic repair and conversion into habitable accommodation.
Protectahome Specialist Surveyor and Technician Consultation During Barn Conversion.
Initial Survey and Assessment of Barn Conversion.
Internal Damp Proofing Membrane Installed to Upper Floor Level of Barn Conversion.
Ground Floor Waterproofing and First Floor Damp Proofing System Providing Combined Solution.
Ongoing Combined Waterproofing and Damp Proofing System Installation.
Damp and Waterproofing Barn Conversions
Damp or Waterproofing in Barn Conversions can provide unique challenges, especially when taking account of the historic use of the building. Structures can be contaminated with ground salts as well as suffering the residual effects of stored goods and fertilisers. This, coupled with contaminants associated with livestock occupation, mean that traditional directly applied finishes will face significant challenges.
Contaminants also mean that the use of traditional Tanking techniques to overcome problems of changing ground levels internally or externally, or to deal with Earth Retaining Walls, are destined to a very short life and ultimately failure. A large number of Tanking applications require extensive preparation of the substrate and can include the use of very dense renders bonded to the historic building material. Our portfolio of services includes alternative systems that we may specify which offer a more reliable and guaranteed long term solution.
Conversions demand the highest level of skill from our surveyors and technicians. Specifications are often demanding and require extensive detailing to adequately deal with challenges relating to the structure, environment and end use of the newly converted building. If you are considering converting an agricultural building we would advocate the involvement of a specialist such as ourselves at the earliest possible stage. We have encountered countless numbers of potential projects that have come to us after work has started on site and the specifications supplied to us have proved unworkable or destined to a short life cycle.
In addition to Waterproofing barn conversions, our Building Preservation division also provides specialist Timber Treatment and Timber Repairs to structural timbers that have suffered from attacks of Wood Rotting Fungi and/or Wood Boring Beetle Infestation (Woodworm).
Our Structural Services division can also provide a number of specialist solutions commonly required with a Barn Conversion including: Anchoring, Corner and Crack Stitching, Consolidation and Grouting were applicable. For more information on our structural services for barn conversions is available here: STRUCTURAL SOLUTIONS FOR BARN CONVERSIONS.
Protectahome Technician Installing Membrane during Barn Conversion
If you would like to speak to a member of our specialist team regarding your project, please Contact Us on 0800 055 6966. For more about successful barn conversions we have been involved with, please see our Case Studies Page.
You can get in touch by telephone or email to see how we can help and to book a survey with your local Area Surveyor calling 0845 601 1980.Alternatively, contact us now below.