October is Rett’s Awareness Month and the staff at Protectahome will be offering their support and raising funds for the Rett UK charity throughout this month.
Rett Syndrome is a severe, lifelong neurological disorder that affects approximately 1 in 12,000 baby girls each year. Suffers of Rett Syndrome have profound and multiple physical and communication disabilities and are totally reliant on others for support throughout their lives.
Protectahome were introduced to the charity through our contracts controller Claire. Claire’s niece, Abigail, who is 4 suffers from the disorder and is completely dependent on her parents and family for support 24/7.
Rett UK offers professional advice and support for families affected by Rett Syndrome, including Abigail and Claire’s family whom we have come to know here at Protectahome. Throughout the month, the office will host ‘Jeans Fridays’ where our staff will donate each week to the cause.
If you would like to know more about or donate to Rett UK, please visit: www.rettuk.org or www.justgiving.com/rettsyndrome/Donate/.

Abigail, who suffers from Rett Syndrome, is the niece of our Contracts Controller, Claire. Protectahome are delighted to be raising funds to support the charity that supports Abigail.