Wasps and Wasps Nest Control Specialists
Wasps are typically black and yellow and from 18mm to 23mm long. A female, or commonly known as a queen, starts a nest in the spring. The wasps nest is formed from wood fibres found in shavings, dead trees and any other wood based material. It is then chewed causing a glue to hold the wood together, the nest is then built from this material. The queen lays eggs which hatch in 3-5 days and once the larva emerges the wasp is fully grown in 3-4 weeks. An average wasp nest can produce 25,000 – 30,000 wasps during the season.

Wasps have a sweet tooth at one end but a painful sting at the other. The queen wasp will start a nest in the spring either underground, in trees and shrubs or in buildings. These nests can grow to enormous proportions containing thousands of wasps – a normal wasp’s nest measuring some 30cm in diameter can contain between 3,000 – 5,000 individuals. However it is when these nests develop in buildings, particularly roof spaces, that they can have the most devastating effect. There have been many occasions where the liquid waste products from the nest have soaked into the ceiling making it unstable and subsequently bursting through and spilling all its contents and resident wasps into the room below.
Feeding on over-ripe fruit can also lead to ‘drunken’ behaviour sometimes resulting in aggressiveness towards any unsuspecting person who the wasps may perceive as a threat.
It is in these situations that wasps will readily sting and where the sting is at best painful it can, in certain circumstances, cause anaphylactic shock in susceptible individuals. This in turn may lead to death without appropriate emergency medical intervention.
Wasps and bees are often mistaken for each other as they have a number of similarities, however, wasps are a much higher threat than bees and it is beneficial to be able to recognise the difference. For some differences between the two, visit Bees v Wasps.
If not treated, an infestation of wasps can quickly take hold. Protectahome service Technicians provide highly targeted treatment to deal with any wasp problem and the removal of wasps nests. Protectahome will offer advice on how to keep your home or workplace free of wasps in the future.
For more information on Pest Control and Wasp Removal by Protectahome and associated services we provide, please see our Case Studies or to speak to our Pest Control Department please Contact Us on 0800 055 6966 or alternatively email us via pestcontrol@protectahome.co.uk