Bird Control Specialists
Pest Birds can impact significantly on maintenance and cleaning costs as well as bringing inherent health and safety risks. Fouling by Pest Birds is not only unsightly but can represent a real health and safety risk due to slips and falls. Where the Pest Bird infestation is attributable to the Feral Pigeon, flock numbers can be anywhere from 50 – 400 birds depending on the availability of food. It is therefore easy to appreciate that even with daily clearance; it’s not long before the fouling builds back up.
Debris from nesting and feeding can also be rapidly created during the breeding season. We are commonly called out to sites where debris from gulls has collected on the roof of buildings. This debris can then get washed into gutters and rainwater outlets, leading to blockages and localised flooding.Gulls are also known to attack humans. These large aggressive birds can be very intimidating when swooping down on humans, displaying their natural behaviour of protecting their young, competing for food and protecting the nest site.
For the food industry professional, Pest Bird infestations are “high risk” and therefore action must be taken without delay to protect the food chain. Pest Bird infestations bring a risk to human health and your reputation. Food borne or food poisoning bacteria can spread to humans through contact with Pest Bird droppings. Disease organisms associated with bird fouling include Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli, Campylobacter jejuni, Lysteria monocytogenes and Vibrio cholerae. Air borne disease agents associated with Pest Birds and their droppings include Chlamydia psittaci and Cryptococcus neoformans
Protectahome are a BSi registered firm and members of the British Pest Control Association. With over 37 years’ trading history behind us, your reputation is safe in the hands of our industry professionals. Outline details for some of the proofing and bird control techniques are featured on the accompanying pages. Each of our proofing installations is bespoke and we may employ any one or a combination of the techniques featured.
Please see our Case Studies page for more information and examples of work completed. Contact Us on 0800 055 6966 for any advice or guidance you may require.