Bed Bugs Pest Control Specialists

Bed Bug Nymph Feeding

Engorged Bed Bugs
Bedbugs (or bed bugs) are small, elusive, parasitic insects of the family Cimicidae. In common use, the term usually refers to one species, Cimex lectularius, that feeds preferentially on human blood; all insects in this family live by feeding exclusively on the blood of warm-blooded animals. The name ‘bed bug’ is derived from the insect’s preferred habitat of infesting houses and especially beds or other common areas where people may sleep. Bedbugs, though not strictly nocturnal, are mainly active at night and are capable of feeding unnoticed on their hosts. Under favourable conditions, each female lays 200 to 500 eggs and at temperatures above 21 °C these hatch in 6 to 17 days. Adults often survive up to 2 months without food, but under certain circumstances can live a year or more without feeding.
Protectahome Control
Professional treatment at the start of an infestation is a lot more cost effective than using ineffective non professional solutions and if carried out correctly may not require the disposal of any furniture. For more information on Pest Control by Protectahome and associated services we provide, please see our Case Studies or to speak to our Pest Control Department please Contact Us on 0800 055 6966 or alternatively email us via
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