Cavity Drain Membrane Waterproofing Systems – The importance of maintainability and limiting water ingress

Cavity Drain Membrane Waterproofing Systems – The importance of maintainability and limiting water ingress

The Issue of Free Lime in Type C Waterproofing Systems

Over recent times, Protectahome have been involved in a number of remedial waterproofing projects that have involved failed Type C Cavity Drain Membrane Systems installed by others.

During our investigations and subsequent remedial works, the issue of Free Lime in Type C Systems has become overtly apparent as a major cause of waterproofing failure. As such, we have decided to publish some of our findings and recommendations in light of these recent projects.

The attached document focuses on the necessity for Type C Systems to be maintainable and the importance of limiting water ingress at design phase if necessary.

Unserviced Perimeter Drainage Channel blocked by Free Lime and debris.
Unserviced Perimeter Drainage Channel blocked by Free Lime and debris.
8mm Cavity Drain Membrane completely blocked with Free Lime.
8mm Cavity Drain Membrane completely blocked with Free Lime.
July 5th, 2016|
