Royal Cottages, Maerdy

Project Description

External Structural Cracking recently appeared in a 1970’s two and three storey flat development. The property owners, a social housing provider, called in Protectahome to establish the cause and to provide an appropriate repair solution.
External structural cracking recently appeared in a 1970’s two and three storey flat development of traditional cavity construction. The property owners, a social housing provider, called in Protectahome to establish the cause and to provide an appropriate repair solution. After a detailed survey of the entire building, the cracking was attributed to thermal movement due to the lack of any movement joints in the large panels of brickwork.
A detailed specification for the installation of full height movement joints at six metre intervals was provided. Protectahome took the role of the principle contractor for the works which included for the provision of scaffolding and making good. Helifix DryFix ties were installed adjacent to the movement joints to tie together the two skins of cavity brickwork. A twin bladed diamond cutter was then used to form chases for the debond sleeves and 6mm Helibar set in Polyplus resin. Existing cracks were repaired using 6mm Helibar and Helibond grout. The work, completed by our own technicians, benefits from the provision of a Protectahome Long term Guarantee.
